Friday, December 10, 2010


ok selamat malam semua :)
eh apa ni? bukan baru nk start ke? oh well, this is wht happened when you are sleeeepy hihi

finally, after berapa abad tak jejak kaki kat kl, or bukan kat kl la kat mana2 la keluar dgn kwn2 semua ni, hari ini baru tapak kasut achik bersentuh dgn lantai klcc tu (why achik? bcs tadi pinjam kasut achik haha! kasut dia tinggi and sedap pakai so i like) dan hari ini la baru feel bila hang out dgn geng2 semua pasal tak pyh fkr bio aku tak baca lagi addmath taik byk lupa dan yg sewaktu dgnnyaa. bermula dgn pagi, i woke up at 9.30am, rasa mcm lambat gila ah tu psl selama ni bgn pkl 6 plg lmbt en, spm spm. sekarang, sekolah pon dah takde laaaah haha ok excited. act the plan is to follow ibu to class but tak jd psl dh lmbt so pergi renew  passport sbb hari tu nak dtg sana nk buat tp tak bawa ic. so checked- ic done. gmbr done. bila sampai, isi borang. tiba2 dekat atas tu kena tick nak buat baru or nak renew dan masa tu juga lah baru tau klu nk renew, passport lama kena bawaaa aku mmg dah yesss -_-

later i went to WW to watch ngangkang, eh, ngangkong, ha yelah ngangkong with mayaam syi hazmy aiman and jabaghinool :D rindu diorang :') the story is not bad, quite funny actually. boleh tak bomoh halau hantu dgn cara : cubit telinga. and kan selalu org nak masuk hutan ckp nek cucu tumpang kencing beol semua, tiba2 ada suara jwb : bila masa aku khwin dgn atok kaaaaaaau? haha! gila punya hantu, harap muka je cuak rupanya pandai buat lawak.

the bad thing about today is that, i brought my camera, really wanna camwhore with my friends, and i've checked the battery, full. but i totally forgot abt the memory card. only when i've finished wtching the movie i realize tht the memory card was not there. aduuuh, penat je aku usung sana sini, kau tu pon bukannya ringan nikon. kalau canon tu boleh thn lg. and not only that, my phone pon buat hal juga dgn mematikan kuasa baterinyaaa. masa tu kelam kabut tukar phone dgn kwn sbb nak hafal nombor kwn yg nak jumpa lepas tu. tulah kot hikmah dia. skrg dah hafal nombor ama, 0126duaempattekan2takdapaat hehe :D

later after that i went to klcc, from wwalk to lrt naik teksi and i met the same pakcik yg pernah sent me before, i still remember him, he is one of the menteri punya driver lepas tu bla bla biar je lah pakcik tu kan, i mean bukannya korang nk cari dia suruh jd driver korang ke nk tgok anak dia handsome ke tak pon kan. ke ye?

then, prayed at the lrt's surau for the first time :)

called ama using public phone, nsb baik klcc punya public phone bermutu kalau tak cuek eden, sorang2 kot. i mean of courselah bermutu, Malaysia's service is not that bad kalau tak mcm mana nk maju kan klu citycentr pon mcm taaa.... 

ok, at klcc, we makan2, we watched narnia, and did i tell you tht we conquered one row of the seats, gila ramai kaan. then we makan2 lg before everyone went home. and the outing was : AWESOMEE :D

camwhoring best gila tau sbrnya hehe, we snapped a lot of pictaaaa but too bad -my camera :( hope ama will upload in fb soon.

ben barnes! handsome gila dlm Narnia, apa lagi, bf baru! ♥ ♥ ahaa bf kita dua tau hafa

hafa, tengah cair ennnn aha ;D

and about chip, sorry pasal pronunciation of lasagna td. i rasa you didn't realize whts happening act but whtever it is, im sorry. maafkan eh. nanti i ajar ckp lasagna betul2 hehe

haih seronoknya cause i reaaally missed hanging with them esp yg dh macam family tu. bcs we'll nvr know wht happn in future, we might not be that close anymore kan, hopefully the bond is still as tight as now. hasmira, tore, chip, low, aisar, affan, kahki and paan :')

and there were hafa, ama, anis, syafiq, iera and emi who makes it all even better :)

thank you guys for another good momories that ill remember eternally, insyaAllah :)

The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart.  ~Elisabeth Foley

selamat malam syg2 sekalian

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