Tuesday, February 2, 2010


it was a bad-bad-day today
awhh pity you, you must be really down rght now?
actually, not really. haha

so this is how it happened, first i got meeting with pengakap, it was fine and guess what, i got to be the ajk leader for girls scout for our camping soon. oh yees you are right, im sooo going to rock the girls scout baybayy. hahaha -__-" aku nervous gila lah gila. then i staybacked at Qisse's, Fit sent me there, thanks weh, we went to the tuiton cntre which starts at 4. in class, we were very-very-very-super-very sleepy. so i made my decision for not attending the next class, i cant even focus in the class and you'll barely hear me zzzzz. so i texted my mother to pick me up at 5. i waited for 5 minutes, she wasnt there. i waited again, its 10 minutes passed already. i give her a call, she didnt answer. so i rang my sister and she didnt picked up the phone too. i was so worried dude. its already 29 minutes passed now, i was kind of pissed-off. i keep trying to reach them and paaap, she picked up the phone! urgh after agesssssss. i was very relieved until akak told me tht they are doing this facial thingy and havent finished it yet. so i was like @*_)&%#!, then she asked me to take the cab. so yeah, i did take the cab. and oh, did i tell you that it was raining like hell ?

i have to walk in the rain to find a cab and there is this mat-motor yell at me saying  'BASAH DIKKKKK?!'  banganggggggggg kau buta ke apa

well the best part is, when i arrived home, the door was locked! hmh best, mmg aku mati kesejukan ah kat luar ni.

 i take my shoes off and i put on akak's selipar, i walk for like 2 steps and paaaaaaaaaaaaap, tercabut!
i got so pissed-off that i wander in the rain with no shoes on while talking to Azam on the phone. Azam was like, Farah jgn jd gila boleh tak? haha seriously man i looked like a pathetic-crazy-school-girl on tht time. imagine a girl sitting in front of the house and play with the water pipe as she was taking her bath, okay not really, but quite. haha tak ke mcm org gilaaa?

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