"Asstant teacher, pg meeting now dgn Kak Maimunah, headmistress"
"Wo, first meeting dgn headmistress eh, dupdap"
"Assalamualaikum.. How are you?" she smiled.
and there she started..
oh, this teacher is a woman yg type spekeng2 but very soft, and bukan soft yg kau boleh lenyek senang2 tau, like a rose, its soft, good smell, but beware, it got its own torn. a very sharp one
ceh aku mentang2 ckp psl dia terkeluar pula ayat mat saleh ni kan.
this is some of her words that makes me feel more idk la, like tenang skt and more bersemangat and ikhlas to go on with ths job and any others things la tht i might be doin
its something like
You just have to rmmber one thing, you work because of Allah. anything you do because of Allah. so you'll do it as good as possible. don't don't stress yourselfs up. you must enjooy, wht you do you must enjoy, take it as a challenge. insyaAllah you'll just be happy.
Kids, mungkinlah (oh part ni dia ckp melayu sikit) kita rasa geraam kdg2 tu dia nakal bisingg but don't scream. u scream, they'll scream back. they'll learn to scream too. even louder. you kena be creative lah. like my style, i like to prepare or say something that they are interested in contohnya mcm saya ajr science juga i save (serangga apatah dia ckp tp rasanya gonggok kot. eh? entahlah tp serangga lah) i save it in a box, i close it with paper, then i tell the students nk tau tak dlm ni apa nk tgok taak? NAAAK. okay, kalau nk togk kena keep quiet. or if you wanna bring them to comp lab, of course the kids are excited so you trick them with tht, kalau nk pg comp lab kena dgr ckp teacher, beratur elok2, jgn buat bsing. you know, thts my style lah. but whtever don't scream. kalau geram sgt, ambillah wuduk :)
so after this meeting its quite relieving lah since finally kita tahu whts our real job, wht should we do, and some tips to jaga the kids. thanks kak or aunt Maimunah. hope to see her again
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