td dlm library me and Qistina was so into this kind of books about animals. okay that sounds lame. its not really about the animal but the bond between the mother-and-their-kids, we are so amazed with the way they protect their uh, kids(?) God, so protective! & sho shweeet aloloooh. subhanaAllah :,)
we go through page by page and there, we saw something tht was so familiaaaar. gmbr beruang tgh baring, mulut dia besar gila stok yg boleh masuk tin coke dlm tu, laying on the ground as if tgh menggeliat.
tiba Qis : eh! ni mcm ****** slalu buat bila lapar.
5 stars for you babe, thats it. thats what playing on my mind, sumpah aku ckp dgn kau sebijik epal sama. eh apa tiba epal ni? -.-
okay tak kesahlah, tp mmg dpt ke kita nak tengok dia buat perangai mcm tu lagi eh? kita cuba sedaya upaya utk menafikan apa yg org ckp psl bestfriend kt tu, okay ex-bf kita tp bila lama2, rasa mcm nak sokong je apa yg diorang ckp tu, siap nak junjung2 lagi. im not being emotional tp keadaan mmg obviously change. sgt. terasa sgt baru2 ni bila dia dah langsung tak kesah dah. mungkin lah dia ada commitment lain skrg ni, tp jgn lupa oh org lain. kt nak ckp pada dia yg kt anggap dia bf kita gila sbb entah knp rs selesa sgt bila ckp dgn dia like mslh yg tak nak cerita entah tiba2 mulut ni terbocor jgk kan bgtahu. klu terbocor sekali fix then elok,takpe, ni dah fix pon dok terbocor2 juga camano tu? and mgkin masa kt rpt dgn dia kt tak bgtahu semua tu. heh, dulu selalu gila gayut skrg mana ada weh, jumpa mmg tak ah nak mcm dulu lagi en, tegur pon tak. klu tegur pon, soalan ttg commitment baru dia sahaja. knp kau berubah doh? ingat lagi masa i ckp
i -'weh i dah tak suka kwn dgn you psl you dh hot skrg so semua dah suka pstu nanti lupa i, kan'you - 'ummmhhh takdee (geleng-geleng)*
heh mana pergi semua tu doh. mana pergi aksi bodoh you tu doooooooooooh,
oh pembetulan semula, bekas kawan baik
I miss him too :'/