Wednesday, December 22, 2010

semua orang akan melalui fasa itu

ya, fasa itu. fasa di mana akal dan pemikiran kita masih belum mencapai tahap kematangan yg utuh dan nafsu menjadi telunjuk perjalanan. 

dan sekarang, saya rasa bhw org yg berada dkat shj dgn saya serta keluarga sdg melalui fasa tersebut dan masih belum sedar bhw mindanya sdg berada di bwh pgaruh hawa nafsu. tp, tak boleh nak salahkan dia shj, krn mungkin persekitarannya sendiri yg membuatkan dia mencari sesuatu yg boleh mengisi kekosongan serta kesunyian hari2nya. kasihan saya lihat dia, saya fhm, saya juga pernah melalui kehidupan sprti itu namun Alhamdulillah, sybersyukur sgt krn sy mempunyai family yg mampu menyedarkan saya dan terus bersabar membimbing sy ke arah jalan yg benar dan tidak terus bergelumang dgn maksiat. (terima kasih ibu abah, akak abang adik dan lain :')) tapi apa yg buat saya geram ialah apbila dia cuba menyifatkan orang yg telah melaporkan perbuatannya kepada pihak yg brtggjwb bhw cermin diri anda dulu, cuba tgok org yg patut anda pertggjwbkan tu bukannya baik sgt. dan org tu adlh saya. ya Allah apa masalah kau dooooh !@#$ ha kan, marah ni. bukan apa, perkara yg dilaporkn itu adlh atas dasar concern a.k.a prihatin dan hnya satu tindakan awl sblm berlakunya perkara yg tdk diingini tanpa ada niat buruk yg lain, so tak pasal2 dia marah dan nak cakap mcm tu sdgkan org yg laporkan itu org tulah, kau marah dia lps tu nak libatkan org lain lps tu buat aku rasa bersalah and come on, memang aku mengaku aku takdelah baik sgt but at least aku jujur okay. mgkin dulu aku ada sikit mcm kau tp skrg Alhamdulillah aku dah berubah. nakal2 aku pon, aku kawal diri aku yg terbaik aku boleh. and aku takde nak ckp kat org yg prnh report psl aku dulu kat fmly aku mcm eleh kau mcm lah baik sgt nak report2, sbb mmg aku tahu aku salah. blk tu kena marah. aku x blame org tu, memang padan muka aku pon. cuma masa zaman aku tu aku je degil nak buat lagi, hm. kisah silam. tapi kau, helloo amar makruf nahi mungkar ok. punyalah kau berlagak baik depan aku minta2 tolong semua aku pon takdelah nak kecoh apa benda yg kau dh buat semua tu tiba2 org yg brtggjwb kat ats aku report psl kau, kau nk ckp aku ni mcm baik sgt. aik? apa kejadah kau ni. Alhamdulillah, nsb baik org yg dpt berita ini masih percaya pada aku, hanya Allah yg tahu betapa bersyukurnya aku bila diri ini masih dipercayai slps byk kesalahan yg aku dh buat sblm ini (terima kasih sgt2 :')). haish, aku risau sgt kau tau taaaak. tapi yelah aku tak boleh nak benci kau, kau saudara sesama Islam aku, patutnya aku bantu kau, sblm ini aku ada cuba sikit2 tapi tah, lepas benda ni, aku tak tahu lah cmne. moga Allah beri kesabaran pd aku. dan beri petunjuk pada kau.

hari ini juga saya dpt berita yg mengejutkan psl seorang lagi teman. saya pernah juga terfikir ttg perkara ini tp mcm, neeeh insyaAllah tak lah dia jd mcm tu. kerana zaman kecilnya yg begitu membanggakan serta karakternya yg boleh mmbawa dia jauh ke arah kejayaan. tapi yelah, sekali lagi seorang manusia yg berada dlm alam persekolahan mngh ini mengalami mslh yg biasa utk umur2 mcm dia. lalai seketika. yelah, setiap manusia itu akan melakukan kesalahan. terpulang pada dia utk sedar dan kembali memperbaikinya atau terus bergelumang di dalamnya. kt tak boleh juga nak kutuk org mcm ni sbb mana tahu satu hari nanti, dia tu akan jd lebih bagus drpd kita. lgpon usianya masih muda, jiwanya sdg memberontak dan mengejar keasyikan dunia. moga2 Allah memberi petunjuk serta hidayah kepadanya dan beri kesabaran kpd keluarganya spy dpt bimbing dia semula ke arah kebaikan. amiin

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

kita kena selalu memperhambakan diri kita pd Allah. kita kena kuat, cannot terpengaruh dgn persekitaran yg definitely mengasyikkan krn hakikatnya yg melalaikan. believe in yourself. ingat, keindahan itu tidak semestinya satu kebenaran. ingat dan ketahuilah, kebenaran itu semestinya satu keindahan. walaupun in a long run, atau tanpa kita sedari. janji Allah adalah benar

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

pengembaraan bermula..

ye pengembaraan bermula bila kena tinggal sorang2 kat rumah

bangun pagi paling syok sebab nama je bangun pagi tp waktu tu dh nak tengahari sbnrnya, and kali ini tanpa mendengar mana2 pekikan sbb bgn lmbt dan tak jemur kain lagi. ibu dan abah serta adik2 ke kuantan sbb Alhamdulillah, adik dpt offer ke mrsm. td pukul 11 ibu text kata Afiq dah masuk tgh interview. caiyok adikku! do your best insyaAllah Allah will help you. if got rezeki then got lah aite :) 

lepas mandi berjam2 dlm tandas, sesi membasuh dan menjemur kain bermula. eppp tapi sebelum itu, kena make sure perut berisi dulu kalau tak manakan dpt tenaganyaa, ye dok? so tung tang tung tang di dapur, yg best hanyalah biskut dicicah dgn coffee milk. (padahal yg plg senang nak prepare sbnrnya) itu pon guna 2 in 1 old town white coffe tu haha. dah tu pahit, cari lah susu dalam peti ais tp takde. pstu teringat creamer2 yg adik2 cilok kat dinner hr tu, opps tak elok ckp cilok nanti ibu marah, sbnrnya adik tak cilok lah cuma diorang ambil and dpt kebenaran drpd pakcik mana tah tu tp apahal tah nk ambil smpai 10 11 -_- ingatkan lepas taruk satu creamer dah manis, tp tak juga. so taruk lg satu and sebab pelik dgn kejadian tu, jari pon try lah cicah sikit kat creamer dan rasaaa. muka terus berubah ok, pahal tak manis bendalah serbuk ni? haha waktu ni baru lah tau creamer tu bukan la memaniskan kopi eh? bukan lah function dia mcm susu pekat tp version serbuk. haha adoi tak boleh kahwin lagi kalau mcm ni, buat kopi pon tak pah agi. dah lah 2 in 1. segan segan. 

selesai makan biskut cicah dgn kopi yg tak berapa nak jadi, kerja membasuh kain pula dibuat. ceeh konon bangga lah ni rajin nak tolong basuh kan kain adik dgn akak senyap2 nanti depa dah balik nanti tengok dah siap berjemur (lipat tak tentu lagi) rajiiin anak ibu ye hehe. tapi mmg betul, kdg2 bila kita tak kena suruh dan sorang2 di rumah waktu tu semua benda bak dtg, ok je nak buat. tp keseganan berlaku sekali lg bila tak pasti cara nak guna washing machine tu sbnrnya haha! epp tp bukan tak tahu terus eh, tak sure je ok (konon tak teruk sgt lah tu, msh ada harapan jd anak dara mithali) so terpaksalah call ibu utk pastikan cara yg betul, yelah takut drpd nak basuh baju, aku yg kena basuh dgn diorang nnti. 

selesai itu ini dan beberapa lagi perkara yg lain, laptop yg abg pesan pon sampai di rumah. oh, inilah sebab nya kena duduk rumah tak boleh keluar lgsung hr ni ini lah sebabnya! Alhmdulillah, smpai pon, awal. bagus (ada time lagi nak keluar ni, bisik hatiku hehe) bila turun di bawah, ku fikirkan mamat kapchai membawa motor smbil laptop diikat di blkg motor dan sedang senyum di luar pagar smbil memagang kertas dan pen utk disain tapi yg dtg lori gedabak ambil kau, mcm nak hntr apa je. so diri ku pon berjalan keluar dr gate, lepas tu keluar lg ke gate besar, dan abg tu pon seperti yg telah diexpect suruh tandatangan, tulis ic dan nama dlm kertas yg dia pgg tu. lepas tu dia letak brg2 tu kat situ naik lori terus blah. huk oloh tak gentle man lgsung, dah lah tak handsome, pigi daa. ye mmg dah pergi dah pon -_- nsb baik la barang tu ringan dan nasib baik la brg tu abg punya. haih, abg kena tau ni. ish ish ish gila buat kerja sikit berkira en 

jadi sekarang jam sudah pon menunjukkan pukul 2:31. kredit yilek dan perut wulek. maknanya perut kosong. mungkin lepas ini pergi merempit dgn niat yg baik -cari makan. dan mungkin cari bola. yee bola. utk futsal nanti :) sgt semangat bila cuba belajar main futsal dari internet. ambil kau berangan sorang2 dpn cermin, itu lah kelebihan duduk rumah sorang2 tak perlu segan utk berangan aha. hopefully my teammates will give their best cooperation for this futsal training for our tournament on 23rd. Chip, Affan and the gang insyaAllah will help us about all those basics thingy abt futsal. thank you guys. chao for now. Assalamualaikum :)

oh chop! sebelum tu, wajib utk saya bgtau semua yg cerita Aku Tak Bodoh memang tak bodoh, best okaaaay. pergi lah tgok ajak adik2 mak bapa dan satu kampung tengok. budak kecil dlm cite ni comel gila perangai. pd siapa2 yg single ke desperate nak tgok mamat handsome ke mamat comel, hah dua2 ada dlm ni :D soo selamat menontoon 

 that guy on the right nampak tak comel tapi dia comeel sbnrnya 

ambil kau bdn dia, gila kentang. part dia lawan2 peh nmpk hndsome gila haha ok over, pergi lah tgok sndiri

Aku Tak Bodoh The Movie : Official Trailer 1

Saturday, December 11, 2010

just a little bit knowledge,

Alhamdulillah, finally managed to go to class with ibu today. so i just wanna share somthing with you. bak kata pepatah sharing is caring right :)

hadis ke-9 dlm buku hadis riwayat solihin-
kewajiban meninggalkan semua lrgn Allah dan mmbuat semua yg diperintah mengikut kemampuan.
pernah terfikir tak kenapa kalau larangan semua kena tinggal? knp bukan yg diperintahkan? the first answer that crossed my mind is - sebab semua lrgn Allah itu adlh semua prkra2 yg tak berfaedah. confident gila rasa nk jwb sbnrnya tp sbb kelas itu semua org2 tua mmg tidak lah kan. and lucky me for not answering pasaal jwpn tak tepaat teeet segan segan. the answer is - kerana semuua larangan Allah itu adlh perkara yg mampu utk kita tinggalkan, kecuali jika kt mgikut hawa nafsu. yelah mana ada org ckp -ish aku x mampu lah tak mencuri. maaana ada. semua nafsu je kawan2 :) dan sedar tak indahnya Islam itu apbla kita tidak dipaksa dan hanya disaran melakukan perintah Allah sesuai dgn kemampuan manusia. yelah lain org lain kemampuan dia. mcm puasa, budak kicik2 puasa setengah hari je, yg dah besor2 ni yg mampu puasa full. (chop, bdn kita kicik apa hehe) mcm ada org tak sempat nk solat sunat kerana kesuntukan masa bekerja dan sebagainyaa.

ada juga beberapa perkara yg kita dpt td tp memang rajin terus ha nak menaip semua.

as today is already the second day since school's over, i've started to miss it, the environment of being surrounded by those silly jokers and dear friends, teachers and pau bbq ayam kat canteen yg sedap gila tu :'(

and before this 18th, im gonna hang with this silly creature by hook or by crook

 bestprengg, aku dah ready ole2 from Aussie hehe

Friday, December 10, 2010


ok selamat malam semua :)
eh apa ni? bukan baru nk start ke? oh well, this is wht happened when you are sleeeepy hihi

finally, after berapa abad tak jejak kaki kat kl, or bukan kat kl la kat mana2 la keluar dgn kwn2 semua ni, hari ini baru tapak kasut achik bersentuh dgn lantai klcc tu (why achik? bcs tadi pinjam kasut achik haha! kasut dia tinggi and sedap pakai so i like) dan hari ini la baru feel bila hang out dgn geng2 semua pasal tak pyh fkr bio aku tak baca lagi addmath taik byk lupa dan yg sewaktu dgnnyaa. bermula dgn pagi, i woke up at 9.30am, rasa mcm lambat gila ah tu psl selama ni bgn pkl 6 plg lmbt en, spm spm. sekarang, sekolah pon dah takde laaaah haha ok excited. act the plan is to follow ibu to class but tak jd psl dh lmbt so pergi renew  passport sbb hari tu nak dtg sana nk buat tp tak bawa ic. so checked- ic done. gmbr done. bila sampai, isi borang. tiba2 dekat atas tu kena tick nak buat baru or nak renew dan masa tu juga lah baru tau klu nk renew, passport lama kena bawaaa aku mmg dah yesss -_-

later i went to WW to watch ngangkang, eh, ngangkong, ha yelah ngangkong with mayaam syi hazmy aiman and jabaghinool :D rindu diorang :') the story is not bad, quite funny actually. boleh tak bomoh halau hantu dgn cara : cubit telinga. and kan selalu org nak masuk hutan ckp nek cucu tumpang kencing beol semua, tiba2 ada suara jwb : bila masa aku khwin dgn atok kaaaaaaau? haha! gila punya hantu, harap muka je cuak rupanya pandai buat lawak.

the bad thing about today is that, i brought my camera, really wanna camwhore with my friends, and i've checked the battery, full. but i totally forgot abt the memory card. only when i've finished wtching the movie i realize tht the memory card was not there. aduuuh, penat je aku usung sana sini, kau tu pon bukannya ringan nikon. kalau canon tu boleh thn lg. and not only that, my phone pon buat hal juga dgn mematikan kuasa baterinyaaa. masa tu kelam kabut tukar phone dgn kwn sbb nak hafal nombor kwn yg nak jumpa lepas tu. tulah kot hikmah dia. skrg dah hafal nombor ama, 0126duaempattekan2takdapaat hehe :D

later after that i went to klcc, from wwalk to lrt naik teksi and i met the same pakcik yg pernah sent me before, i still remember him, he is one of the menteri punya driver lepas tu bla bla biar je lah pakcik tu kan, i mean bukannya korang nk cari dia suruh jd driver korang ke nk tgok anak dia handsome ke tak pon kan. ke ye?

then, prayed at the lrt's surau for the first time :)

called ama using public phone, nsb baik klcc punya public phone bermutu kalau tak cuek eden, sorang2 kot. i mean of courselah bermutu, Malaysia's service is not that bad kalau tak mcm mana nk maju kan klu citycentr pon mcm taaa.... 

ok, at klcc, we makan2, we watched narnia, and did i tell you tht we conquered one row of the seats, gila ramai kaan. then we makan2 lg before everyone went home. and the outing was : AWESOMEE :D

camwhoring best gila tau sbrnya hehe, we snapped a lot of pictaaaa but too bad -my camera :( hope ama will upload in fb soon.

ben barnes! handsome gila dlm Narnia, apa lagi, bf baru! ♥ ♥ ahaa bf kita dua tau hafa

hafa, tengah cair ennnn aha ;D

and about chip, sorry pasal pronunciation of lasagna td. i rasa you didn't realize whts happening act but whtever it is, im sorry. maafkan eh. nanti i ajar ckp lasagna betul2 hehe

haih seronoknya cause i reaaally missed hanging with them esp yg dh macam family tu. bcs we'll nvr know wht happn in future, we might not be that close anymore kan, hopefully the bond is still as tight as now. hasmira, tore, chip, low, aisar, affan, kahki and paan :')

and there were hafa, ama, anis, syafiq, iera and emi who makes it all even better :)

thank you guys for another good momories that ill remember eternally, insyaAllah :)

The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart.  ~Elisabeth Foley

selamat malam syg2 sekalian

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

new phase of life peopppleeee

uissh lamanya tak taip blooog! tak tahu nak tulis apa. haha okay so tadi i screw up my biology paper, sedih gila tak pernah tahu pon wujud exprmnt tu and wth paper2 mana pernah tgok structure protein kale2 kuning coklat bagai, first tgok ingatkan DNA -_- pdhl ble dh fhm tahu tau jwpn dia and time dah fhm tu dh hbs exam hmh. wht to do, time cannot patah balik so kita just tawakal dan doaa :) bak kata cik Hazmy yg mggu depan nk ke aussie 'qada dan qadar mmg tak boleh diubah melainkan dgn doa'

okay nak tido. selamat malam semua nya :)

esok : anak solehah, ikut ibu pergi class *wink

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

pelajaran dari pekerja hotel Indonesia

this is something that i've learnt from the trolley boy in one of the hotel in Indonesia. Millenium hotel i guess. to me its quite interesting so on the spot, i make a video on how to do it. do what? -do um how to say- one creative way so that door yg takde benda nak halang it from moving when u want it to be open and stay like that so that you can bring in or bring out yr luggages easily. fhm tak wht im tryin to say? tak fhm? ha tengok video ni :)

Thursday, July 29, 2010

nah Dona :)

dona! lama gila kita tak click sign in kat blogspot ni. haha sorry lmbt btw. and oh, tak kesah lah lawa ke tak, its still a precious memoir. we appreciate your hardwork :) arigato khozaimas !

kita takut dia pecah2, so kita buat dua size ni. tp kalau dua2 pecah gak, hmmm sorry.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Bila Cinta OST Lagenda Budak Setan - Filianti Vlee

Bila cinta kini
Tak lagi bermakna
Yang ku rasa kini
Hanyalah nestapa
Ditinggalkan cinta masa lalu
Dulu kau tawarkan
Manisnya janjimu
Yang ku sambut itu
Dengan segenap hatiku
Bila engkau pergi
Hilangnya cintamu
Menusuk hatiku
Ternyata memilih
Cinta yang fana
Perginya dirimu
merobek jantungku
Hingga ku terjatuh
Dalam harapan
Hilangnya cintamu
Menusuk hatiku
Hingga ku terjatuh
Dalam harapan
Dalam harapan

Friday, May 28, 2010

study group, sleepover

hi everybody.

okay so where do i start ? 

today, i went to study group with goya, syi, yam, maddy, yang, man and eju at nadia's house. she has one lovely house where the garden is full of tranquility, just like sha's house. we ordered domino's which is very rare for me to eat, the chili flakes burned evryone's tongue and lips. nadia is concerned about our tastiness, she keeps on bancuh sarsi for us. i still remember the first moment when goya entered the house after one hot foot-travel to nadia's house from hers, the first thing that she said is 'nak air tu sikit boleh tak?' as the only thing that she can see on tht time is that luscious cold sarsi. (tak tahu lah perkataan luscious tu boleh digunakan utk air atau tidak tp utk menggambarkan keadaan air yg menggiurkan tu kita boleh kan aja ye) sadly, resdung attacked me today, it was a bad taste in the mouth especially when im somewhere else with my friends surround me and im actually planning to study, but i end up with tons of tissues. until i need to bring one BOX of nad's tissue to used on my way back home, that bad my resdung is. yang gave me a help by sending me to my house, she drove, nice right. but i passed by ww (wangsa walk)for a while to take the key from my mother. yes, my family were there hanging out, masa tu juga lah aku sakit en, mmg ummmhhh, terbaik dr ladang. haha (syepy you must be smiling right now) i have a long talked with yang, im gonna tell you that it was like syok habisss. haha sumpah best doh hang dgn kau. and oh, sulhi which is yam's open relationship with is a friend of my brother and i asked him whether abang got any girlfriend or not, half surprised, he said ada lah koooot. haha kantoi! i've thought it before and now i am confirmed! yes. hahaha no wonder he is 24/7 with his phone smpai nak otp pon kat luar rumah, dah pandai skrggg. haha. how is he eh right now at upnm? kena regging and all tak? for eju, goodluck aite, just throw away tht 'not-suitable-to' ego :)

a friend told me that

"kau jgn percaya seratus peratus doh apa orang ckp, kau kenal orang tu sendiri baru kau tahu and baru kau boleh nilai"

so ye ah tu, ill judge one by getting to know ones myself. but ill be aware. termasuk dia

dan dia :)

Saturday, May 22, 2010

whataya want from me

hello everybody, i am so "busy body" lately

cikgu Jannah is the one who likes to say it like that, makes us understanding that she and her whole body is very busy so leave me alone! said cikgu Jannah deeeeep in her heart kaaaannn hehe :D talking about cikgu Jannah, Razen noticed and told me that cikgu Jannah is like my sister, her behaviour reminds him of me, i was like whaaaattt? okay tak pon, to be frank, im not very shock since i really can get along with her well, we can talked ....jap2  (HAHA MY SISTER YG TENGAH TIDUR TENGAH MENGIGAU! SHE WAS LIKE "INI PASAL PERASAAN" AND SOMETHING CLOSE TO THAT AND I SAID " HAH? PERASAAN APA NI KAK? "  SHE REPLIED "ENTAHLAH, KESAH? " HAHAHA SO I JUST SAID " YEAHH KESAH LEMAAAN " hehe gotcha! this is the second time i caught her mengigau-ing, wwohh i like it! haha now i have my point if she wants to bad-mouth about my frequenciness (is that a word? o.O ) of mengigau-ing, eh cop, did i just post about kakakku mengigau in my blog? oops tak sengaja hehe :P ) 

okay back to our topic, cikgu Jannah she can understand students at her fingertips, just dont ever mess with her bcs you'll get the payback like double times. hm, bila Razen ckp camtu, i just look at teacher for some times, observing, is this how im gonna look like when im a teacher somedaaaay ? hmmm cool ! XD

about my mid-year/separa exam, this is how it goes

BAHASA MELAYU            ticked

BAHASA INGGERIS          ticked

SEJARAH                           ticked

my sleep and eat timetable messed up, 
next week is killing subjects! 7 more to annihilate!

i want to post about this some one i missed so much and we havent been in touch for almost 5 months, and how i missed the bond, the good times between us, oh i will post about you, i will. just wait for the time :,)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

the mind-traffic-light is red red red, jgn baca entry ni

hi :) i just got back from tuition, i tried out prestige's classes for chemistry add math and sejarah fosho. my mind is fully stuck since my classes started from 4 until the last one hour which is 10, gila kentut kan. i got a lot of things to think and i am so messed up. english test is like another 8 hours and i havent read anything yet, very gooood. my first impression towards mr Siva who is teaching us sejarah in prestige and also, the owner of prestige is like damn, how old are you? very young meh, handsome too (wink) he must be damn rich since he owns 2 branches of prestige. i thought he is this cool and quite garang one but i am so wrooong, the way he thought us in f4 class, he is like a pest, well he told us that, only that he added the word of adorable back there. um, i hope he didnt mean it?  hehe. lalalala  bye, (kan dah ckp jgn baca)

Friday, May 14, 2010


ahhh, geram betul bila semangat nak tulis blog tapi bila dah depan mata terus blank. kang post blank entry kang ha. okay so teachers day is next week, monday. im performing a song from Mariah Carey along with piano. fuhhh if only i could say that. and actually perform like that. memang bangga tak payah tunggu teachers day ah, tiap2 minggu pon aku record taruk you-tube. mana tahu tiba nasib mcm zee avi ke. kaya der. but if only lah kan. haha tak lah, tak nak pon. but its true that im performing together with Azila Qistina Rahman Apis and Cikgu Jannah for sure. ill try to record and post it in here, if my acting is good lah hehe, wish me luck aite :)

sir Ven was late so Miegha and I get on her scooter to buy getah rambut since i left it somewhere, i dont know where bcs i just washed my hair and it was wet, i got really rimas so we went to giant, even kedai serbaneka 99 was just 2 doors next to our tuition center haha (nmpk sgt nak melalak) on our way back, suddenly the rains dropped, we thought its just going to be a light rain but after a few minutes, the rains dropped like crazy, we were like aaaaaaaaaaaaaa, i saw a group of guys laughing at us, siod. when Miegha turns to this one corner, a car horned at us and we looked at him right after that and guess what, he showed us the thumb up. jahat gila! berlagak sgt lah dgn kereta kau tu, nanti accident ke kena pecah tingkap ke org curi tayar ke padan muka. masuk tution sejuk gila, dgn baju yg lencun siap boleh perah lagi duduk dalam air-cond pehhh.

Farah : ya Allah, Miegha, betul ke ni Malaysia Miegha? dah mcm kat Switzerland dah ni ha, snow je takde

memang sejuuuk sgt, paling kesian Miegha lah psl dia yg bawa so dia agak mcm shelter me from terkena secara extra hehe, syg lah you awww

i went for my tuition from 3-9 pm, imagine lah, very damn hectic. tak dapat tengok adamaya. im quite depressed lately, i thinked a lot of things, unnecessary things. my tears rolled down on my cheek just now in the car. i really feel like talking to kakyong, yes, i miss you. i am so stressed, my heads are spinning like tornado, just stiffer. i feel very sorry to my mother, i feel very guilty like im menyusahkan her even it is her responsibilty but i should make it easier, not harder :,(

im off to do some revision now, hopefully i dont fall asleep after drinking a can of white coffee classic of old town, bought from 7e, i just knew old town got its own keluaran, even they are also selling 3 in 1 punya bancuh sendiri tau. coooooool, hehe, night ya all, assalamualaikum :)

*study is now my priority, its a must must must !

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

push yourself beyond the limits

hai semua :) masuk ni dah kali kelima tulis padam tulis padam sbb dah lama sgt tak update so skill nak menulis pon dah merajuk. so tu kira pujuk balik lah, warm up kan sikit. tp biasalah, mcm sukan, bila dah lama tak main, performance pon menurun, serupa lah dgn situasi saya skrg ini jd kalau ayat mengarut2, boleh tekan butang exit TAPI, lepas dh habis baca sampai perenggan akhir ye. terima kasih. sy berada dalam dilema skrg ini di mana sy nak wirte in english tapi saya suka tulis dlm bhs melayu. takkan nak buat dwibahasa pula kan kat sini, mmg tak dapek lah. so i just write like my heart lah kan (sukahati)

SPM is just around the corner, i really have got to work my butt to achieve my goals, which is straight A's and which when i still failed my science subjects on the last test. i know ive spoiled my form 4 years though i realized that its important for me not to play around back then but it just happened without me noticing that i only got another 5 months before answering those intricate paper that technically will lead to my future. sigh, seriously, so sad. how fast time flies kan, i cant imagine my life without school? fuyoh? :,(
now i just have to bite the bullet. my friends good performance in exam intimidate me to study harder, though sometimes i feel so ashamed of myself, ive got my backbones that always support me and keep telling me that i can do it. everything is right infront of your eyes Farah, you just have to grab it. you cannot get more until you are more.

"Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself"
my mid year examination is next week. and it will finish after like half month, gila lama kan. this time, im going to struggle like unusually me. insyAllah. i hope my mood doesnt fluctuate like typical Farah. this is a big venture Farah, kalau kau boleh buat gila ah. make your dreams come true Farah, its not too late and its never too late. um well, if it is pon, its better late than never kan. prove to the boastful people who always look down on you, make your parents proud of you Farah, stop them from worrying about you at all times. by hook or by crook  CAIYOK!

aha that paragraph is more to myself. yelah bayangkan mcm semangat gila nak study, dah duduk baca2, tak sampai 30 minit kepala dah terangguk2, mata tanpa disedari dah tertutup, tampar muka sikit terbuka balik, baca lagi, mata tertutup lagi, so okay lah tidur sekejap lepas ni bangun balik. tidur tidur tiba2 dah pagi. hmh memang, bangun terus sbnrnya

i just watched ADAMAYA this evening, and hoi, seronok gila :D comel sgt budak perempuan tu, gila terror berlakon okay. unfortunate me, the series are playing at evening, where most of my class tuitions are at the same time. nak tengok kat internet ada pula masa. cano? :,(

i love HUGH DARCY ! ♥ ♥ ♥

i will be missing this huge pornstar, you want a getaway? you have it now, just dont get me away from your mind. and from your heart too. fulfill yr promise to call me aite. i wanna know how a manja girl can live on her own foot haha :P i know yr attitudes girl, you are a new blood there so bare that in yr mind, jgn galak sangatt. kecuali jumpa laki hensem terus call yah okay *wink* haha

wow, ada juga orang mcm ni rupanya. oi, stop annoying people cos you are so not cool like that? jangan nak menyibuk sgt lah dlm hidup orang lain. kepada kau kau kau dan kau, takde kwn sendiri ke hah? lepas tu nk bajet2? ish? lepas tu pergi sekolah jgn ponteng kelas sivik, belajar adab2 menumpang di rumah orang. kalau cikgu sivik tak masuk, kelas agama kan ada. alasan apa lagi nak bagi, tudung terbakar? kena gigit tikus? ish. lepas tu rasa malu lah sikit bila dah buat salah dgn orang, boleh pula nak tunjuk2 muka dan berbaik2 dgn kawan2 kpd org yg kita dah buat salah tu? mcm apa kau, tak perlu tau? dah lah obvious. menyampah deeeeeeennnnnnnnnnn

tuition is now my second-home. but i had funs. i just love to talk with Miegha, cracks up jokes with Iylia Yassshh and Shahizah mostly. not forgetting Shira and the others, Qisse too and that noisy Tira. also Nadia yg dah lama gila tak dtg pasal softball (goodluck girl) and dak2 TAMAN keramat tuuu, haha they were funny i tell you. Debab Buntal & Saodah co. library is a promise date every after school, with my baby girlssss 

okayyy idea dah hilang dan terbang dan terbang. nak tunggu sayap dia patah dan jatuh semula mmg lambat lah an so ye, berakhir di sini saja coretan saya utk kali ini. jgn risau, lagi sikit je anda boleh peras the exit button tu. juga tahniah kpd anda, krn telah bersabar mmbaca post saya yg merepek ini. bagus, sabar itu sbhgn drpd iman. bertambah sabar, bertambah lah iman. haha ok ok, bye :)

can you believe that i wrote this post like 1 hour and 30 minutes? -_-

Sunday, April 25, 2010

life isn't always bed of roses

Hi. im now writing in english to improve my bad-bad english language. father keeps telling me all these pros and never any cons about doing tessels after SPM since me either is clueless about my future dream. i can sense that he wants me to be a teacher, an english teacher, by far. english is damn important nowadays la wei, even my achik whose age is around 30 somethang paid for an english class. aku tak tahu lah anak2 murid aku nanti paham ke idok aku ajar. so for you guys who is reading my posts, you can actually betulkan all my grammatical error. just dont be sarcastic
(sebenarnya saya sgt meminati bahasa melayu, dari sekolah rendah lagi sbb tu saya suka gila Zahiril Adzim punya blog walaupun sgt lah bermadahpuitis tp saya rasa bhs melayu itu indah. sgt. tp entahlah. kalau nak tahu masa sekolah rendah markah bm saya tinggi2 tu pasal lah boleh cucuk2 jarum dgn cikgu Zarina guru BM, kalau buat salah buat muka kesian mesti berkesan xD  kalau tak percaya cuba pergi sktm2 dekat papan kenyataan blok b kot tingkat 3, nanti nampak kertas bm saya, bangga gila weh sampai skrg ada :')

okay back to this mat-salleh language, i just realized this feelings of mine towards art. head over heels. i love to DO arts, and not just see them, i feel them . chet! over gila haha here are some of my masterpiece 

there! haha well actually there is just a masterpiece of mine and some pictures of it. cantik kan :D

tomorrow is softball tournament and surprisingly im in it. wish us luck guys, to be humble, we need it. haha no, seriously, im shaking in my shoes. and in a long run, i am so going to miss our coach, c.Din. since im quite close to him and he is this type who always cracks up jokes and all the things that came from him is very useful for us though sometimes its quite makan dalam lah der. i still remember when he ask me to change my 'kasut but' after we finished our game and i just couldnt find it anywhere, i was all over the place dgn muka cuak tiba coach, eh ni apa, sambil pegang selipar yg hilang tadi. haha haih, im going to hit the hay now, and soon, im dead to the world, goodnight fellas, this is another boring post from me

pictures' lie. i am no longer that white, sob :,( 
my loved ones

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

'In this job we need someone who is responsible.'
' I'm the one you want. On my last job, every time anything went wrong, they said I was responsible'

Monday, April 12, 2010

it was a tiring day for all of us

Qis, Azila and me were busy disturbing Amir in the physics lab. Amir somehow is a romantic person okay, the way he speaks and treats others shows it all. ceh ceh, Amir kau jgn nak bangga lbh2 eh.

kitorang : Amir2, kau suka prmpuan yg mcm mana eh?
Amir : ummm apa korang ni tye soalan cmni. okaylah, first, aku nak dia lagi pendek drpd aku

(masa ni muka Qis dah hampa dah haha dan aku dgn Azila dah mcm berdiri sebelah dia buat2 rendah, or, mmg rendah pon haha smbil ckp ada can ada can, and Qis, too bad)

kitorang : lagi Mir lagi
Amir : um, aku tak nak yg kepoh sgt lah

(okaaaay masa ni semua dh mcm tunduk sedih pilu, hampaa)

kitorang : yg tu tak campur lah Mir, lagi2

ha lagii dah tak ingat dah, tp kitorang mcm evrytime dia ckp karakter prmpuan idaman dia tu, kitorang pon terus berubah perwatakan straaaaight mcm prmpuan idaman yg dia nak tu haha one word, poyo. kan. but actually Amir kitorang yg paksa2 dia bgtahu, jgn salah anggap dia pula ye :)

oh we also asked him of wht does he feels abt us (ni pon kitorang paksa juga hehe), kau rasa Farah ni cmne Mir. and guess apa dia ckp.

Farah nii, dia mcm happy go lucky ah.

pastu Mir pastu

ummm, dia cam cute2 sikit

 HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!  yg ituu straight dr hati dia eh, tiada paksaan sama-sekali

(korang rasa apa motif post ini?) :P

Friday, April 9, 2010

this is random. forgive my grammatical error

today is my first day sotballing on 2010. OTK (Oh Tuhan Ku) or OMG i really suppose to come earlier because it was hell lot of fun. hell lot of fun. you really should understand the feeling when someone repeat wht they are saying two times, do you? i mean you betterr. i laughed the hell out of me through the day, i practised much with Hazmy, Fatin, Syed and Faiz. and they said my throwing was good hehe but i suck in catching, haha sumpah lawak gila kalau korang tengok. its raining and the field looks like what ah? baru lepas banjir. ha tak reti aku nak sebut. our feet is totally weeetttt. smbil main rasa mcm tgh rendam kaki kat tioman tahu tak. blah blah blah blahhh I JUST CANT WAIT FOR TOMORROW (!) softballers here i come, im gonna rock you. ceh. hopefully the weather is doing fine. haha biasanya kan org tye how are you? oh im doing fine

i read Fifah's blog just now and she showed her tuition's schedule and expressing her tired-ness and stuff. well just look at mine. 

there you go. haaah kalau Fifah punya tu pon dia dah penat now tell me what should i define schedule yg penuh mcm ni. tak campur lagi dgn kelas tambahan Sir Ven every friday and saturday. and belum masuk lagi kelas tassawur every wednesday's night. very-the-cannot to be defined right?

things that are happening this week
-i had blast with my family and friends. i feel awesome when im with them, and sometimes i do feel that i dont need a boyfriend. i got enough loves from my loved ones, Alhamdulillah :,) thank you guys
-i cried a lot this week.i just dont know why, i get offended easily these days. now i understand what Teacher Fidzah had told us abt the fear we should feel when we are too happy bcs usually somethings bad is going to happen next. so, dont be happy. i mean like, TOO happy, okay ?
-i missed Sarah Ahmad Izuddin badly

i just couldnt write more bcs abang is very annoying right now. so goodnight fellas, have a sweet dream (walaupun korang baca waktu tengahari tapi time aku menulis ni tengah malam jadi, selamat malam)

and dont get too happy

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

tolong titikberatkan pada Huruf besar itu ye

i am currently wearing school's uniform and look at the time now. and oh I AM NOT SMELLY (!)

um well, not really. hehe. i miss online-ing. which defines chatting, youtube-ing, blogging, fb-ing and sorry ah i got no formspring. well not yet. tengoklah nanti kalau rajin. lagipon skrg byk manusia2 yg dengki suka kutuk dkt formspring kan. come on lah wei, walaupun aku suka jgk kutuk2 orang tp agak2 ah der. nak kutuk pon jgn lah lupa tekan anonymous tu tak pasal2 nak malukan orang kau sendiri yang malu. (jap ni mcm lbh kpd mgajar je?)

okay screw that. hari tu kan masa pergi WW kakak waiter dtg bagi menu, tiba nampak nametag dia yg tertulis -nabila- jd sy scr tdk sgaja dan tidak tahu malunya menegur kkk tersebut sbb nama dia sedap. nabila, hm sama mcm nama saya hehe cuma nama saya tmbah H kat blkg.

kkk tu pon jwb : ye ke, orangnya pon manis je.

haha gila bangga kan tiba2 org ckp cmtu mmg akn terkembang kempis di mana2 namun tidak, kkk tu tak ckp mcm tu pon sbnrnya. haha dan sy tak ingat pon apa kkk tu jwb sbnrnya. 

lepas tu saya balik rumah.

lepas tu kakak saya pon balik. dah lah kakak sy blk bwk starbucks yg mocha kot dlm dia ada biji2 katanya chocolate chips tp mcm lain je tp tak kisah lah janji sedap. (eh bygkan pekerja2 dia buat ikar mcm ikrarSPM tu  tp ikrar dia berbunyi mcm saya berjanji bhw sy akn mencuba sedaya upaya utk bancuh air dgn sedap kalau tak sedap saya kena habiskan. eh kalau mcm tu tiap2 hari saya buat air tak sedap lah, jimat skt, bos boleh tapau sekali tak? ish sorry merapik)

lepas tu kakak saya pokpek2

'hm tadi atin beli air ni, tau tak nama pkrja tu pon kat nametag dia Fatin juga pastu atin pon tegurlah blablablaa..'


(pasal kejadian yg samaa menimpa ktorang dan reaksi dia menegur pekerja tu pon sama. TAK RASA WOOOW KEEEE?!)

Saturday, April 3, 2010


hahhh lamaanya tak blogging. rasa janggal pula. mcm ih ih? sbnrnya nak ckp eh tepi tsalah eja jd ih. tengok tengok. tapi pon blh jd tepi. hm jakun gila nk pgg keyboard ni mcm HABVSKFSLFNALBJB AAAAA haha boleh fhm kan perasaanya di situ? penat gila baca entry followed bloggers. plg penat nak baca,zezana tu ha punya. bpk belambak. kau update tiap2 hari apa?  tiba dia jwb: ish mana adaa, tiap2 minit je. haha okay tak, abaikan lwk kampung itu. cita2 utk minggu ini dr segi blogging adalah utk menulis dlm bahasa inggeris, konon2 latihan buat krgan lah (pdhal alasan en tak nak buat latihan essay dlm buku) jd slps ini saya akan menulis dalam bhs inggeris. be ready guys. ha see, told you im writing in english after thiss. dan hanya selepas itu lah, lepas 'slps itu' bm balik haha crappp

nak blog pasal apa eh?

um, patutnya skrg ni kena bersiap pergi latihan softball tapi malas sebabb, malas. lgpon skrg tgh lepas rindu dgn computer ni haaa. oh ya! semalam first time hangOUT dgn farha dan nini together. dan sgt sdih bila terlupa nak bwk camera :,(  impian dpt direalisasikan juga bila dpt masuk berkaraoke smlm, hehe selendang leopard print ku atau selendang bercorak harimau bintang (?) smlm tak nakal, cantik je awning mcm syok gila jd bila balik bagi gula2, eh apa ni, bila blk sangkut elok2 kemas2 ibu pon masuk bilik baru nak buka mulut cover buat2 menguap. haha okay takde motif. (dan crta psl ibu tu imagination je :P) ala tak tahu lah nak blog psl paaa

Syed tiba text

Farah, aku x tau nk ckp mcm mana. tp aku x leyh simpan lama perasaan ni. aku dah lama suka kat kau.

Farah reply

Aku tampar kau kang

Dan mereka pon berbalas2 sms

Im not joking

 Well me too ha kang dgn sepak terajang skli aku bgii AKU TGH MKN AHHH

Hari2 pergi rumah Saiful, kau dah terkena april fool 

tah pape kan budak ni. Akak gelak gila baca yg last tu. okay BYE!

joke for todayy

 'What kind of person is your new boyfriend? Is he respectable? asked the father. 
Of couse he is, dad. He is thrifty,doesn't drink or smoke, has a very nice wife and three well-behaved children.'

Thursday, March 18, 2010

"Betapa manusia mencintai manusia lebih dari mencintai Allah"
ayat inilah yg terkeluar drpd mulut kakak sesudah aku hbs bercerita tentang kisah kegentleman seorang lelaki itu terhadap kekasihnya. sgt mendalam, dan telus

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

tadi baca older posts dan baru tersedar ada comment2 yg tak pernah dibaca. maaf ye pengomen2 sekalian

(ceh ckp mcm byk je org mengomen pdahal stiap kali ada comment, org yg sama je. haha)
kakyong dan raja <33

itu jelah

ah, baru2 ni takde mood nak blogging. mcm takde feel. baru2 ni juga tak tahu nak buat apa. mcm hilang arah. ceh takdelah, nak blaja lah. nak je lah tp usahanya? hm mcm mana nak bg rajin ni. rajin. tp rajin pergi tuisyen jelah. kat tuisyen mcm baik gila org yg tak kenal pandang semua cop budak baik rajin baca buku dan, PENDIAM. haha, lucu. sbb hakikatnya, anda sendiri lah yg menilai. niat tinggi gila bila dah pergi sekolah atau tuisyen, balik aku nak study! mesti! sampai rumah, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. camano?

baru sedar byk merepek. kena ubah perangai tu. kena

buku JokeForToday tu tiada di atas meja laptop ini, jadi, malas nak cari. haha bye!

Saturday, March 13, 2010


do i really have to write this things while i am totally upset? yelah, promise is a promise kan

Two friends were standing in line at a fast-food restaurant, waiting to place our order. There was a big sign posted. 'No notes larger than (simbol apatah tp lbh kurang mcm $)20 will be accepted'. The woman in front of them, pointing to the sign, remarked, 'Believe me, if i had a note larger than (annoying nya simbol ni)20, i wouldnt be eating here.'

so much for 'every clouds has its silver lining' now i know how it feels

its 7:24 pm and i suppose to take my bath now. i am sick. sick of sicking. do you understand that? no? me either. ish. it started on thursday, i got sakit tekak. and God knows how much i hate sakit tekak, plgg benci, well after selesema. but i thought the pain is not for long, until raihan (my tuition classmate) said like 'awak nak demam kot' uish im freaking out right after that. but i just hope that its not true, naah. unfortunately, mulut raihan tu masin tauuu, i got fever the next day, which is yesterday. i went to school and im all in cold. my friends were asking me to call my mom and take me home but i was like 'kau nak halau aku en'. so yes i did call my mom, she said ' TAK PAYAH LAAAAH' so i was fine, well i didnt really feel like going home bcs of the fever, im not that 'mengada and manja', its just that im too lazy to study heh he

i called mom for the second time and she picked me up at 10. i took panadol actifast 3 times already on that day, for me banyak gila tau aku telan pil utk sehari ni and guess what, IT DIDNT WORK. things getting worse when timbul bengkak2 around my eyes, while me and my family were up having dinner at Kak Eita Steamboat and i didnt even taste a slurp of the tomyam sup with all the seafoods bcs i CANNOT. resdung. urgh, so sad, i love tomyam. aku duduk tepi tu makan nasi lemak sorang2, dah lah ayam dia keras, tak guna punya restoran bagi ayam yg dah lama pstu panaskan blk, eh pasar mlm punya nasi-goreng-ayam-berempah lagi 'kelas' lah. we went to the clinic straight away after dinner, kakyong accompanied me to the doctor and she was all over telling everyone tht doctors job will be on ease if every patients were like me bcs their work is just to listen and analyse and give medicines since i blurbs everything out that the doctor doesnt have any question to ask anymore. haha

the worse part is i didnt manage to go to Kuala Gandah to see kawan jay-low ceh takde ah, the elephants and all. duit aku burn mcm tu je. this is not the first time. mwt unplugged? eish, i already spent 53 ringgit for nothing. and i, was, pissed-off,


Wednesday, March 10, 2010


 Shahira Shaharuddin gave me a travel joke book for my 16th birthday, thanks buddy. i loike it. and since im the 'jomgelaksama2' typo, im gonna share them in every entry tht i will post. anyway, laugh is the best medicine aite? :) enjoy

A man visits his aunt in the nursing home, but she's asleep so he just sit down in a chair, flicks through a few magazine, and munches some peanuts sitting in a bowl on the table. Eventually, the aunt wakes up 'Im so sorry, aunt, i've eaten all of your peanuts!' 'Thats okay dear,' the aunt replied. 'After I've sucked the chocolate off, I don't care for them anyway'


" sampai hati kan awk tinggalkan kita smlm "
 awhhh, sorry guys, just giving some times for yah-ladies to miss meee. haha, im absent on monday, exhausted cause of camping, and that means a lot when i didnt come to Melawati Unplugged. padahal dah beli ticket tau , urgh. dah lah 20 hengget tau. burn mcm tu je, boleh beli kfc tahu tak, siap 2 set lunch meal lagi, tu pon baru 18 hengget lbh2, baki 2 hengget boleh simpan masuk tabung. sumpah aku menyirap. denda dia crita psl camping takde dlm blog, pdn muka hahaha -_-

pergi tuisyen add-math dpt kertas latihan ni, tiba2 page belakang sekali ada experiment. apahal tiba2? jom kita usha sikit

haha :,D i loike thisss, GOOD ONE sir

handphone i ada accessory baru, tengok ni :)

comel kan?

ada orang bagi, masa dapat tu, benda ni tergantung dkt cermin. mcm ni

got me and my sisters name on it

 dan, cuba teka siapa bagi? sumpah terkejut gila masa figure out tu

my baby Afiq Azfar
sumpah terharu :,)
eh eh korang jgn lah nangis eh. haha gelabah je aku 
dah besar romantic ni, untung siapa dapat dia. ceh ceh promote adik pula kat sini kan. siapa nak kena bodek kkk dia dulu lah ye

Friday, March 5, 2010

we all miss the OLD you

this is sadly an emotional entry, i dont mean to brag umh umh. just feel like writing it.

td dlm library me and Qistina was so into this kind of books about animals. okay that sounds lame. its not really about the animal but the bond between the mother-and-their-kids, we are so amazed with the way they protect their uh, kids(?) God, so protective! & sho shweeet aloloooh. subhanaAllah :,)

we go through page by page and there, we saw something tht was so familiaaaar. gmbr beruang tgh baring, mulut dia besar gila stok yg boleh masuk tin coke dlm tu, laying on the ground as if tgh menggeliat.

tiba Qis : eh! ni mcm ****** slalu buat bila lapar.

5 stars for you babe, thats it. thats what playing on my mind, sumpah aku ckp dgn kau sebijik epal sama. eh apa tiba epal ni? -.-

okay tak kesahlah, tp mmg dpt ke kita nak tengok dia buat perangai mcm tu lagi eh? kita cuba sedaya upaya utk menafikan apa yg org ckp psl bestfriend kt tu, okay ex-bf kita tp bila lama2, rasa mcm nak sokong je apa yg diorang ckp tu, siap nak junjung2 lagi. im not being emotional tp keadaan mmg obviously change. sgt. terasa sgt baru2 ni bila dia dah langsung tak kesah dah. mungkin lah dia ada commitment lain skrg ni, tp jgn lupa oh org lain. kt nak ckp pada dia yg kt anggap dia bf kita gila sbb entah knp rs selesa sgt bila ckp dgn dia like mslh yg tak nak cerita entah tiba2 mulut ni terbocor jgk kan bgtahu. klu terbocor sekali fix then elok,takpe, ni dah fix pon dok terbocor2 juga camano tu? and mgkin masa kt rpt dgn dia kt tak bgtahu semua tu. heh, dulu selalu gila gayut skrg mana ada weh, jumpa mmg tak ah nak mcm dulu lagi en, tegur pon tak. klu tegur pon, soalan ttg commitment baru dia sahaja. knp kau berubah doh? ingat lagi masa i ckp

 i     -'weh i dah tak suka kwn dgn you psl you dh hot skrg so semua dah suka pstu nanti lupa i, kan'
you - 'ummmhhh takdee (geleng-geleng)*

heh mana pergi semua tu doh. mana pergi aksi bodoh you tu doooooooooooh, damn i miss that old poyo freak. dah blah lah weh. jujur, aku sedih gila ni. aku dah lose seorg kwn yg aku syg gila. ok pembetulan, kwn baik.

oh pembetulan semula, bekas kawan baik